“Revolution of Tenderness”

17 agosto 2016
There is no translation available.

Revolution of Tenderness’ is a collection of inspiring short  stories lucidly penned by young, zealous Brothers of the Salesian Order, raring to share their life-changing experiences with the rest of the world for the very first time.

The stories encompass aspects such as the need for compassion, the power of genuine, active listening, the sharp contrast between ‘talking and thinking with the heart vis-à-vis thinking with the mind’ and amplifies examples of magnanimity and the logic of justice and grace.

A book of this kind will urge readers to be more proactive, in righting wrongs, so that we can reach out to a world that is almost  at ‘tipping point’, simmering in anticipation of an explosion. The ‘Doomsday Clock’ is ticking and the need to ‘heal the world, making it a better place’, is the book’s war cry.

The cover design for this book was conceptualised by Sathish Paul, sdb, book design and typeset by Surekha Gangurde,  edited by Sharmeela De Vas, proof reading and copy editing by Verona Vaz and Father Mathew Couthino, printed at Intouch Graphics, Mumbai.

Tej-Prasarini, Don Bosco Communications, 150 pages 


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