India – National Symposium on "The Heart of Educating"

16 luty 2018
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(ANS – Chennai) – A National Symposium on “The Heart of Educating India - Don Bosco System of Education in dialogue with 21st Century Educators” is taking place at Don Bosco College of Arts and Science, The Citadel, Chennai. It is a Salesian venture at the National level.

The Symposium (16-17 February 2018) is organized by “Don Bosco Youth Animation - South Asia”, Delhi, jointly with “Sacred Heart” College, Tirupattur, Tamil Nadu and partnered by “India Didactics Association”, Delhi.

Dynamics about the Symposium would include Keynote addresses, Panel discussion, interactive Workshops and Assembly sessions and Research Paper presentations. Among the various speakers, Fr Maria Arokiam Kanaga, the Regional Councillor for South Asia, presents his address about: “An urgent call to return to the Basic Education in the Don Bosco Way.”

For more information, please visit the site of: 


ANS - “Agencja iNfo Salezjańska” - jest periodykiem wielotygodniowym telematycznym, organem komunikacji Zgromadzenia Salezjańskiego, zapisanym w Rejestrze Trybunału Rzymskiego pod nr 153/2007.

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