Salesian Spiritual Companionship (With the young people today)

12 wrzesień 2018
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With the young, Don Bosco sought to offer a very holistic accompaniment while promoting meaningful life options. He creatively responded to the needs of young people of his time and accompanied them in their discovery and embracing of a valid response to their human and Christian call. Don Bosco’s method of spiritual companionship did not end with his death. Through his Salesian Congregation, he was able to radiate a charism built on genuine family relationships adapted to forms of expression which developed in different historical moments and within various cultures around the world. The scope of this research is to offer insight on Don Bosco’s understanding and experience of “spiritual companionship.”

“Fr Louis Grech's contribution in the area of Salesian Spiritual Accompaniment is a result of years of reflective ministry. His pastoral experience both as vocation promoter and later on also as Youth Ministry Coordinator for the Salesians of Don Bosco in Malta has equipped him with a solid vision of youth ministry, which has vocational discernment right at the centre. In the light of the Synod on 'Youth, Faith and Vocation Discernment, Fr. Grech's work is indeed a useful tool for all those embarking in youth ministry, spiritual accompaniment and vocational discernment.” (from the back cover, by Fr. Fabio Attard, SDB)

“Fr Louis Grech studies Don Bosco's praxis of youth spiritual accompaniment from the privileged viewpoint of one who is himself engaged in such praxis. This is indeed a fresh and precious contribution” (Fr. Ivo Coelho, SDB)

“I'm confident that this work will be of great assistance to educators and pastoral workers today and for years to come.” (Fr. Joseph Boenzi, SDB)

Ed. Horizons, 560 pages

Further information


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