Chloe and Jack Visit the Vatican

06 październik 2016
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One of the very popular books for children, "Chloe and Jack Visit the Vatican" introduces youngsters to the beauties of St Peter's, the tradition of papal elections and the workings of the Vatican. It is authored by Kathleen Pearce and illustrated by Martina Spinkova.

Chloe is visiting the Vatican with her family. In the crowds of St Peter s Basilica she becomes separated from them. She is fortunate to meet an excellent young guide, in the person of Jack. Amazed at his knowledge, she enjoys visiting the wonderful buildings and learning about daily life in the Vatican. This book is an excellent introduction to St Peter s and the Vatican, a subject which deserves more attention. It will lead to a better understanding of the history of the Catholic Church.

Don Bosco Publications, 45 Pages


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