Christian Art and Indian Cultural Patterns

20 grudzień 2017
There is no translation available.

Christian Art and Indian Cultural Patterns presents a rich collection of 16 essays on Christianity art by some of the best scholars on the subject. They explore art from biblical, cultural and aesthetic perspectives and offer valuable insights for understanding Scripture, theology, revelation, inter-religious dialogue and communicating the Gospel in India.

Beyond words, images dominate our imagination; they invade our senses. God’s word is both sing and word. It is precisely for this reason that God’s revelation must find manifold expressions, including visual arts.

Art is revelatory and communicate in nature. Artists are considered prophets of our society; the keep expressing and interpreting the realities of human existence and connect us with nature, one another and divine.

The book, edited by Fr George Plathottam, SDB, explores India’s rich tradition of art, painting and sculptures. It examines the distinct Christian contribution to art in India and proposes the need for a more serious engagement with art rooted in Scripture, theology and indigenous and native culture, symbolism and ethos so as to nurture the divine art.

Don Bosco Publications



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