Jesus and the Little People – Gospel Encounters

15 novembre 2019
There is no translation available.

The Little People, in the Gospels, are often anonymous. Unlike the authorities and disciples, they cannot be considered a group character, because they are not connected to each other. but their role is important and memorable, and impacts strongly on the reader.

“I find the designation ‘Little People’ much more attractive and engaging than Minor Characters. The encounters between Jesus and the Little People throughout the Gospel story reveal a great deal about Jesus himself and about the nature of genuine discipleship” Fr Michael T Winstanley, SDB, the author, says.

Fr Winstanley invites us to join him on a unique journey of discovery to meet the little people of the Gospels. Some, like the woman at the well, are often anonymous, but the encounter with them becomes so fascinating. Some, like the widow who gave her mite are unobtrusive; others, like Legion, simply facilitate the action of an episode; others like the centurion, serve as catalysts. Some, like the Syrophoenician woman play a greater role, standing out for the quality of their faith and trust, or because they, like the woman with the alabaster jar of perfume, convey the meaning of service.

The encounters between Jesus and the Little People throughout the Gospel story reveal a great deal about Jesus himself and about the nature of genuine discipleship.

In meeting each of them, we may discover how much we have in common with them, how Jesus has much to teach us in the complexity and uniqueness of our lives.

Don Bosco Publications, 256 pages

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