Understanding and Helping Children with Learning Disabilities

27 juin 2019
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Children with learning disabilities are said to have an ‘invisible challenge’. Though they are like other children in most respects, they struggle to read, write or do simple arithmetic calculations; and often do not fare well academically. They can be misunderstood, labelled as being ‘laid-back’ and difficult; and may develop emotional problems. However, if identified and helped at an early age, in time, they will shine.

This book acquaints readers with the challenges children with learning disabilities face; and suggests ways in which to help them surmount these challenges. It describes symptoms of learning and related difficulties; informal as well as formal ways of assessing these difficulties; types of interventions from which they might benefit; and government-endorsed academic concessions that can be accessed across India.

This book is a valuable guidepost for parents and teachers to understand and help those with learning disabilities.

Father Ajoy Fernandes is the present Director of Don Bosco Research Centre, Mumbai. He conducted workshops for school teachers entitled ''Learning Disabilities: Identification and Remediation'' across 10 major cities of India - Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Chennai - Tirupattur, Coimbatore, Delhi, Goa, Hyderabad, Kochi, Mumbai and Pune- between January 2018 and February 2019. A total of 647 teachers from 295 schools participated in workshops across these ten cities.Apart from these, DBRC has conducted as well as scheduled additional workshops. Through all these workshops, DBRC has reached out to a total of 1185 teachers from 520 institutions across 19 cities, in 12 States of India. 

Father Ajoy Fernandes SDB, was the chief resource person at all these workshops. 

Published by Tej-Prasarini

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