Living Consecrated Life Fully

27 juin 2019
There is no translation available.

Father Chris Saldanha, SDB, in his book, presents a glimpse of what it means to live a Consecrated Life today. He touches upon the commitment to respond to 'the call' and the consequent living out of this call through the vows of Chastity, Poverty, and Obedience through community life. The objective of the book is to deepen and fructify the call to live Consecrated Life more fully.

''I have titled this Foreword as a 'book for the thinking religious.' Religious are adults, not children. We are meant to make mature and enlightened decisions, not childish escapes from adult responsibility. We are not the superior's children, but adult collaborators in the mission of the order, and, more truly, in the mission of Christ.   Read it-and you will see that my enthusiastic endorsement is on target'' wrote Father Joe Mannath SDB, National Secretary, Conference of Religious, India in his Foreword to this book. 

Father Chrys Saldanha, a Salesian priest, is a versatile speaker and has a lot of experience in a wide variety of settings. He has authored  books on Salesian spirituality and religious life entitled  ''Exploring Salesian Life Today'' and ''Challenges to Salesian Life Today''. Currently he lives and works in Ethiopia and gives conferences, courses and retreats. He was Provincial of the Province of Mumbai for a six-year term. He set up and directed the Don Bosco Renewal Centre in Bengaluru, India. He has spent 18 years in Rome, serving his Congregation in the formation sector. With a doctorate from St. Patrick's, Maynooth, Ireland, he served as Professor and Dean of Studies at Kristu Jyoti College, Bengaluru. 

Published by Tej-Prasarini

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