ARTEMIDES ZATTI, Salesian Brother Cycling to Heaven

22 février 2024
There is no translation available.

Kristu Jyoti Publications, Bengaluru (India) has published an English translation of Pier Luigi Cameroni's book on Salesian Brother St Artemides Zatti. A good gift to the English speaking Salesian world, and not only!

The canonization of Blessed Artemides Zatti by Pope Francis on Sunday, 9 October 2022, is a source of immense joy and gratitude to God. He was a professed member of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco, born on October 12, 1880 in Boretto (Italy). He died on March 15, 1951 in Viedma (Argentina). This life, written by Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, Postulator General, will help us to get to know the human and spiritual story of this son of Don Bosco.

These pages describe the places that Artemides lived in, the gestures and language with which he embodied the message of Gospel compassion and Salesian joy. Reading this text will give us some guidelines for interpreting the story of Artemides Zatti’s holiness – a man with a heart sensitive to grace, ears attentive to the voice of God and his will, and eyes open to the needs and miseries of so many brothers and sisters.

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