‘Works of Mercy and Education of the Young’

23 septembre 2016
There is no translation available.

This book is precisely on 14 concrete works of mercy. It is an eminently practical book for those wishing to understand deeply the apparently superficial concepts of these ‘works’ of simple Christians.

Education is not only about instruction or ideas crowded in a curious mind. As Jesus, the educated are called to ‘announce the good news to the poor’, as part of proclaiming the Year of Lord’s Favour, namely the Jubilee Year. It is the year of Mercy and Justice gifted by a God to whom all finally belongs.

This book is a timely publication, carrying a wealth of reflection and practical wisdom from those who actually practice what they preach. The book will be a handy tool for everyone who is serious about experiencing God’s mercy in his or her life.

DBYA Publications


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