Laudato Si, Resource Manual - For the animation of parishes, schools and youth groups

04 mars 2021
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Care for Creation is a constant theme in both the Old and New Testament. Scripture highlights creation and the need to live in harmony with everything around us. Environmental justice has been a repeated theme in the Social Doctrine of the Church. Care for the environment represents a challenge for all of humanity. Responsibility for the environment, the common heritage of mankind, extends not only to our present needs but also to those of the future. In ‘Laudato Si'’ (2015) the Holy Father, Pope Francis summarizes the environmental issues, calls for a debate and invites us to look carefully at the reality of what is around us. In the context of development, we in Papua New Guinea, a country blessed with an abundance of natural resources, need to evaluate the impact of the many mining, fishing, logging and gas projects.

Over the past year 2020, the Catholic Bishops Conference in Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands have organized a variety of sessions. Some of these have been compiled together and together with other resources are published as this Laudato Si’ Resource Manual to assist leaders and animators.

The manual has been the work of Abigail Seta, Nigel Akuani, Rosemary Yambune and several others under the guidance of Fr Ambrose Pereira SDB, Secretary of the Social Communication Commission (SOCOM) of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands. Special thanks to MISSIO for the support to prepare and print these resources. May it serve to inspire all our young people who are concerned about our ‘Common Home’.

“We are delighted to present Laudato Si', a resource manual for parishes, schools and youth groups.  We do hope that these resources will be used to create an awareness of our present situation in Papua New Guinea. Caring for the beauty of nature, protecting and enhancing it is vital if the wonder and beauty of nature is to be enjoyed by future generations”, said Fr Pereira.

The 36 page A4 booklet is printed in colour and has several resources and sessions that have been put together by SOCOM and the other secretaries. It is a simple resource to animate parishes, schools, youth and other groups.

To order bulk copies, please contact: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. 


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