Prayers to Start My Day

19 Junio 2018
There is no translation available.

The Vatican Council reminded us that Morning and Evening Prayer are the two hinges on which the Prayer of the Church turns. The reflection on life, alongside the words of scripture, has been a daily practice in the Church since earliest times. This book, authored by Salesian Father David O’Malley, continues that tradition, offering a simple form of prayer for individual or communal use at the start of the day.

This book is presented as a partner volume to Prayers to Close the Day. It is offered as a way of prayer for busy people. It is also offered as a resource to Christian communities who would like to start their day with a simple form of prayer. It can also serve as an occasional alternative to the full Office of the Church for religious communities and parishes.

"So where is the good of being caught up into God"

Don Bosco Publications, 64 pages

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