World Cinema: a celebration

08 kwiecień 2016
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In this book, the author, Fr Raj Mariasusai, SDB, declares that `watching world cinema is alike, going around the globe, visiting places, and meeting people`.

This book is entertaining, stimulating, heart-warming and thought -provoking- that brings together a wide variety of films from all corners of the world. It opens windows that reveal new vistas, new lands, new cultures, and new lifestyles, without ever having to make a single journey aboard! In World Cinema: A Celebration, we come across an assortment of talents that make us experience the complexities of human behavior in different parts of Planet Earth.  

The 100 films from different countries are arranged alphabetically and choosen from 1990 onward portray the distinct, socio-economic conditions prevailing in a particular nation.  A visual treat for the soul of 100 Films, 100 Directors, 100 Stories, 100 Nations, 100 Cultures, 100 Quotes.

Raj Mariasusai is an acclaimed media educationist. He is the Founder-Director of Don Bosco Media Centre in Tamil Nadu, India. The Centre is well known for its media related courses and audio-visual productions. Raj has extensive experience in the field of education, media and social development. He currently works in Chennai serving the Salesians of Don Bosco at South Asialevel.

Published by Hay House, 228 pages


ANS - “Agencja iNfo Salezjańska” - jest periodykiem wielotygodniowym telematycznym, organem komunikacji Zgromadzenia Salezjańskiego, zapisanym w Rejestrze Trybunału Rzymskiego pod nr 153/2007.

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