Elements for the formation of the Salesians of Communication

31 marzec 2016
There is no translation available.

This book is a joint collaboration of the Departments for Formation and for Social Communication. Through various Salesian authors, the book presents the theological/biblical basis of communication and how Don Bosco had implemented them during his lifetime. The other sections describes the good practices in some of our Salesian presences and how, now, we Salesians (at personal, communitarian and provincal levels) ought to be present in this "digital continent of communication network" which is most frequented by the young.

The contents of the book are also available in the www.sdb.org website


ANS - “Agencja iNfo Salezjańska” - jest periodykiem wielotygodniowym telematycznym, organem komunikacji Zgromadzenia Salezjańskiego, zapisanym w Rejestrze Trybunału Rzymskiego pod nr 153/2007.

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