The Educational Preventive System of Don Bosco Today

17 październik 2018
There is no translation available.

Education is not only a matter of instruction and the acquisition of skills. We must be concerned with the formation of intelligence, of freedom, of the capacity to love and to do good to others. The book, by Salesian Father Carlo Nanni, SDB offers an outline of the origin and development of Don Bosco's educational preventive system and how it is applied in our society to meet the needs of young people facing contemporary issues.

St John Bosco is among those saints who, in the history of the Church, were totally committed to education as their mission, in order to form "good Christians and honest citizens". In the mind of Don Bosco this is intended to meet the needs of young people in their search for meaning and happiness.  

In this book, Professor Carlo Nanni SDB, renowned educational philosopher and former Rector of the Salesian Pontifical University in Rome, presents the educational system of Don Bosco in the conviction that it still has great influence in educating young people to the good life as shown in the Gospel.  

Originally published in 2012 as "Educare con don Bosco alla vita buona del Vangelo", this English edition has been translated by Jim Gallagher, SDB, and Brian Jerstice, SDB, by kind permission of the author.

Don Bosco Publications, 110 pages.

For further information


ANS - “Agencja iNfo Salezjańska” - jest periodykiem wielotygodniowym telematycznym, organem komunikacji Zgromadzenia Salezjańskiego, zapisanym w Rejestrze Trybunału Rzymskiego pod nr 153/2007.

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