Pastoral Popes. Living the Gospel in Modern Parish Life

24 wrzesień 2018
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Gerry O’Shaughnessy, SDB, surveys the influences and legacies of the six Popes of the modern era, from Pius XII to Francis. In this fascinating book, Gerry explores the impact of the First and Second World Wars, changes to the Mass, and the challenges in Church and society faced by our most recent Popes. Each chapter ends with a set of questions for reflection, challenging the reader to consider how we as individuals and as parishes respond to aspects of the Gospel-based guidance from each of the Holy Fathers, and engage with pastoral work.

“Pastoral Popes. Living the Gospel in Modern Parish Life” is a survey of the influences and legacies of our six most recent popes, set in the context of pastoral guidance and modern parish life.

Fr Gerry O’Shaughnessy is a Salesian of Don Bosco and holds degrees in History, Theology and Social Media. He has been a teacher of Religious Education at secondary level and worked in every Salesian School in the UK. As the Farmington Fellow in RE at Harris-Manchester College, Oxford, he explored links between popular television media and morality. In recent years he was Parish Team Leader at St James in Bootle, near Liverpool, where he was involved in parish ministry and was Chaplain to the primary and secondary schools. He is currently on sabbatical before taking up a new ministry in the Salesian Province in the UK.

Don Bosco Publications, 145 pages.

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