Book on Mamma Margaret in Tamil

07 wrzesień 2022
There is no translation available.

The Salesian Province of Tiruchy (INT) released a new book on Mamma Margaret in the Tamil language, authored by Father Dr John Dharmanathan SDB. The translated work, based on the highly researched work of Don Teresio Bosco, “Vita di Mamma Margherita. La Mamma di Don Bosco”, published in 2005, is set in the background of the coming Synod.

The book highlights Mamma Margaret as an example of a young and illiterate widow of the periphery. She cooperated efficiently with Don Bosco in the first ten years of the oratory, a successful model of laity-ecclesial cooperation. The former Rector Major of the Congregation, Don Pascual Chavez, stated that Mamma represents the mothers of today who struggle so much personally. The five independent reviews by laypeople emphasize the relevance of Mamma's lived spirituality for today. Pope Benedict XVI raised Mamma Margaret from 'Servant of God' to 'Venerable' on the 150th Death Anniversary of Mamma in 2006.

Apart from the present work on Mamma Margaret, the author, Father Dharmanathan, has to his credit another translated work on the spirituality of Don Bosco in Tamil, based on Don Eugenio Ceria's “Don Bosco con Dio”. Father Dharmanathan is the coordinator of the De-addiction ministry in the Province.

The books are available online from “Don Bosco Alaihal Media Publications” of the Tiruchy Province (



ANS - “Agencja iNfo Salezjańska” - jest periodykiem wielotygodniowym telematycznym, organem komunikacji Zgromadzenia Salezjańskiego, zapisanym w Rejestrze Trybunału Rzymskiego pod nr 153/2007.

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