RMG – New ZMB Provincial Superior appointed

22 December 2022

(ANS - Rome) - As part of the work of the winter plenary session of the General Council, the Rector Major, Fr. Ángel Fernandez Artime, with the consent of the other members of the Council, appointed Fr. Michael Kazembe Mbandama as Superior of the Zambia-Malawi-Zimbabwe-Namibia (ZMB) "Mary Help of Christians" VP for 2023-2029.

Fr. Michael was born on 8 September 1971 in Solwezi, Zambia to Joseph Mbandama and Josephine Kunaka. He entered our Pre-novitiate in Lusaka on 1 September 1996, completed the Novitiate in Moshi with a first profession on 15 August 1998, and was ordained a priest on 12 June 2010.

He studied Philosophy and Educational Sciences in Lubumbashi from 2003 to 2005. He continued with Theology at Saint Francois de Sales in Lubumbashi from 2006 to 2008. He made his perpetual profession on 5 July 2008. Fr. Michael has held various positions throughout his career, including being a TVET Provincial Delegate for ZMB, a Provincial Councilor, and a Rector of the community in Lilongwe along with being the Principal of Don Bosco Technical Institute (College), where we also have Pre-novitiate.

He has also participated in the 27th General Chapter in Rome as a ZMB Delegate. Fr. Michael Mbandama has a Master of Science (MSc) in Leadership and Change Management from Leeds Beckett University in the United Kingdom, formerly Leeds Metropolitan University.

"We all accompany Fr. Michael K. Mbandama with our prayers and we wish him a fruitful and committed service as the next ZMB Provincial Superior, which he will undertake on the 2nd of February, 2023, the day of his installation in Lusaka as the ZMB Provincial Superior. May our Mother, Mary Help of Christians guide, support and protect him," the Regional Councilor for Africa - Madagascar, Fr. Alphonse Owoudow, circulated in a short note.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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