RMG – SYM’s first World Council “LEADS” held

28 September 2021

(ANS - Rome) - The first World Council of "LEADS" of the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) was held on 25 September 2021 at 2.30 pm (Rome) through the Zoom platform. This Council is made up of two young people and a Salesian from each Region. A total of 16 representatives from the Regions and three members of the Youth Ministry Department participated in the meeting.

The members of the World Council of "LEADS" are:

- Laura Dias, Fabrice Drabo and Fr Alphoncious Hamweete, for the Africa-Madagascar Region;

- Patricia Valdes, Abraham Aquino and Fr Fabian Cardena, for the Interamerica Region;

- Thamyres Marques, Manuel Pizzo and Fr Francisco Inacio, for the South Cone America Region;

- Divya S, Noah Rodrigues and Fr Robert Simon, for the South Asia Region;

- Janine Quinto, Teaghan Donlon and Fr Vince Michael, for the East Asia-Oceania Region.

The meeting began with a prayer led by the representatives of the Interamerica Region. Subsequently, the participants introduced themselves. At this point, Fr Miguel Ángel Garcia Morcuende, General Councilor for Youth Ministry, welcomed the participants and shared his reflections on the theme "I DREAM: MOVING FROM A MINISTRY FOR YOUTH TO A MINISTRY WITH YOUTH". At the end of his presentation, the Councilor invited everyone to live and create communion, to seek reconciliation, to dialogue with everyone, to globalize the love of God, to make it present everywhere, in the situations in which young people live.

A draft of the document on the nature of the World Council was presented by Fr Patrick Anthonyraj, member of the Youth Ministry Department and Reference Person of the Salesian Youth Movement. During the meeting, the participants were divided into two groups, based on the language, to discuss, propose suggestions and update the draft. The meeting ended with a prayer led by the "LEADS" of the East Asia-Oceania Region.

The meeting was moderated by Fr Patrick Anthonyraj, and translated simultaneously by Pablo Osorio. The next meeting is scheduled for 11 December 2021, at 13.30 (Rome time).


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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