RMG – Journey of Service: Reflections on Salesian Missionary Volunteering and Community Empowerment

14 March 2024

(ANS – Rome) – The Salesian Missionary Volunteering continues to flourish, with participants deeply engaged in discussions about critical topics and plans to strengthen the program's impact. In the latest gathering, which spanned four days, attendees delved into essential themes such as identity, formation, accompaniment, and network building.

During the third day of the gathering, the focus was on the vital concept of accompaniment. Recognizing the importance of supporting all stakeholders involved in the program, including volunteers, coordinators, and recipient communities, participants explored the significance of being present and attentive to the needs of others. A presentation by a member of the congregation's formation sector shed light on the necessity of remaining open to listening, acknowledging that blind spots in perception can hinder effective accompaniment.

In the afternoon session, attention shifted to the advisory board's proposal to establish a network platform. This initiative aims to concentrate information about communities and volunteers, facilitating communication and coordination. Encouraging feedback from participants indicates a strong commitment to developing this platform as a tool for enhancing the Salesian Missionary Volunteering’s effectiveness.

The fourth and final day provided an opportunity to reflect on the gathering's proceedings and envision the program's future growth. The advisory team will now undertake the crucial task of evaluating outcomes and outlining clear steps for advancing the program. Exciting developments are on the horizon, and you are encouraged to stay tuned for forthcoming updates.

The gathering culminated in a special Mass presided by Fr. Alfred Maravilla, emphasizing the significance of selflessness in service to others. Participants were honored with the Salesian Missionary Volunteer Cross, symbolizing their dedication to promoting the program globally.

As the Salesian Missionary Volunteering continues to thrive, fueled by collaboration, reflection, and a shared commitment to service, its impact promises to resonate far and wide. With each step forward, the program reaffirms its mission to make a meaningful difference in communities worldwide.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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