Dominican Republic – An unexpected tornado hits the Salesian centre in Mao

05 June 2023

(ANS – Mao) – An unexpected tornado struck the northern part of the city of Mao, Dominican Republic, on Thursday afternoon, 1 June, severely impacting the buildings at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Polytechnic and causing extensive damage to the educational centre.

Under the heavy rains, which lasted more than an hour and were accompanied by strong gusts of wind, the school was hit by falling trees inside the ground of the football field and by flooding of corridors at the polytechnic. Heavy rains and strong winds also lifted and shifted the roof by some metres, leaving the classrooms and the laboratory at the centre uncovered. The rains also caused flooding on baseball fields and in the park.

Already in the morning of the following day, Friday, 2 June, the Superior of the Antilles St John Bosco Province (ANT), Fr José Pastor Ramírez went to the site to assess the situation so that he could intervene as soon and as effectively as possible. A team of qualified professionals is also inspecting the damage that. Thank God it is only material damage

The educative and pastoral community of the Salesian centre in Mao has been informed that classes at all levels, preschool, primary and secondary, until further notice.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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