VATICAN – Progress in the cause of the Servant of God Titus Zeman

11 April 2016

(ANS - Vatican City) - On 7 April 2016, during the special Congress of Theologians -Consultors to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, a positive opinion was given on the martyrdom of the Servant of God Titus Zeman. He was a Slovak Salesian priest born in Vajnory on 4 January 1915, and died there as a martyr on 8 January 1969.

Titus Zeman was born into a Christian family at Vajnory near Bratislava on 4 January 1915. He reached the coveted goal of the priesthood in Turin on 23 June 1940.   In April 1950 the Czechoslovak Communist regime forbade religious orders and began sending religious men and women to the concentration camps. Fr Titus arranged for young Salesians to travel illegally to Turin to enable them to complete their studies.

The Servant of God organized two expeditions for over 60 young Salesians. On the third expedition Fr Zeman was arrested together with the fugitives. He underwent a severe trial during which he was described as a traitor to his country and a Vatican spy. He even risked death. On 22 February 1952, in consideration of some attenuating circumstances he was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment.

Fr Zeman came out of prison after twelve years, on 10 March 1964. By now he was irretrievably scarred by the suffering endured in prison. He died five years later, on 8 January 1969, surrounded by a glorious reputation of martyrdom and of holiness.

This news was greeted with great joy by all the participants in the seminar on the causes of beatification and canonization of the Salesian Family that is taking place these days in Rome. It is a sign of confirmation of the truth of the Salesian charism and the commitment to live it at all times with loyalty and enthusiasm.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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