Democratic Republic of the Congo – The Country of Contrasts

07 December 2016

(ANS – Bukavu) – The Democratic Republic of the Congo is a country of contrasts: it is very large, with an area of 2,300,000 km², and yet it is scarcely populated, with a density of 30 inhabitants per km²; it is very rich in natural resources, but with mainly a very poor, or rather an “impoverished” population. In the last 20 years there have been from 5 to 6 million people killed because of the wars; destitution, hunger, diseases and exploitation are daily experiences to many, and yet the people often smile and show, whenever they can, their joy and will of living.

by Fr. Piero Gavioli, SDB

In this country, women have suffered from nameless violence and humiliations, and yet they are the ones that support the families, with an amazing activity and moral strength. A catechist said, “if we, the men, worked as our moms and our spouses do, this would be the most developed country in Africa”.

The children and the youth, who are more than 60% of the population, are often the first victims of the wars, of poverty and of the division of families … Yet, they fight to build a better future and are ready to generously put themselves at the service of their country and of the Church.

The Church is one of the few truly dynamic actors in the life of the country and in the last 50 years it has been able to undergo a transformation, to root itself in the culture and the society; today there are about fifty dioceses, all run by Congolese bishops, helped by a growing number of priests ad nuns. A Church that intervened in defence of the population against wars and dictatorial regimes and that because of this has also paid its price with blood: in Bukavu a mausoleum has been erected in memory of three bishops and martyrs.

In this context, in this Church, Salesians also are at work: faithful to their charism, they made the choice of educating the poorest youth as a way to change the life of people and to change society.

Today in Bukavu the Salesian oratory can only count on a small playground, but this is always full of children: more than 100 boys and girls go there to play four afternoons a week, whereas in the two remaining afternoons of the week, the playground is crowded with the youth of the choir of the district.

The testimony of the Sons of Don Bosco impresses the people of the place and every year attracts tens of youth who wish to live in the same way as they do.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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