India – Voices kicks off in South Asia: to give voice to voiceless and unheard young people

11 July 2023

(ANS – New Delhi) – The first meeting with the Voices Project, conceived and promoted by the Social Communication Sector of the Salesian Congregation, led by Fr Gildasio Mendes, will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, 12 July in New Delhi, India. It is an initiative that has as its fundamental purpose to listen, and amplify the silent and unheard cries of young people, and respond to them as a Sector, providing these young people with the platform, support and accompaniment they need.

“Voices” aims to be an innovative and creative response of the Social Communication Sector to the appeals launched by Pope Francis through the Global Pact for Education and the Synod on Synodality, as well as a project in line with the action guidelines identified by the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, at the end of the 28th General Chapter.

Voices' fundamental mission is to give voice to the voiceless, putting Salesian communication at the service of the most vulnerable segments of society: the needy, migrants, refugees, members of ethnic minorities, victims of war or violence, and young people from oppressive or problematic socio-economic contexts.

Among the young beneficiaries directly involved in the project there are also ones already engaged in social communication, so that they can take care of their peers in greater need; and, for the same reason, those already active in organisations and institutions involved in service to those who suffer.

The proposed methodology provides for a phased path. Taking into account the dynamics of synodality, it will be developed initially through listening to the voices of vulnerable young people; a time of dialogue and common discernment; the development of concrete operational guidelines; and accompanying young people as they carry out the plans and projects identified.

“Voices will be a great experience for Social Communication Delegates and will help them to outline real strategies to accompany the communication of these young people, giving them tools and skills” commented Fr Gildasio Mendes. The Social Communication Sector will undoubtedly accompany these young people in the development of their potential, so that their voices can emerge, forcefully, through the appropriate responses.

The “Voices” project, which kicks off tomorrow in New Delhi for the young people of the South Asia Region, will be systematically implemented  in the coming months in all six other Salesian regions.

The topics of confrontation with the young 'voiceless' will be, on a general level, ones that are most cogent in their situations: war, oppression, social injustices, polarisations, but also the situation of women, indigenous people, the environment...

The following were selected which are specific to the South Asia Region: the issue of young migrants, issues of unemployment, digital addiction and substance dependence.

The scheduled activities, which will take place from morning to evening of 12 July, and which will involve young people and Social Communication Delegates from all the 12 South Asia Region Provinces, will open with the morning Mass and will continue with group photos, breakfast for all, and the opening ceremony – in which the “Voices” project  and the program of the day will be presented and explained in detail.

Getting to the heart of the proceedings, much of the time will be devoted to  work in the four thematic sessions - migrants, unemployment, digital addiction and substance addiction - with first the speeches and testimonies from a number of young speakers who are experts on the subjects, and then a time for questions and answers.

In the late afternoon, the proposal session will take place, with the collection and drafting of ideas and feasible projects related to the four topics addressed. Finally, the day will see a combining of fraternity and spirituality with time for the final prayer and community agape.

"I have no doubt that tomorrow there will be many young people who will be able to find through 'Voices', a sincere and attentive listening ear, an opportunity to reflect serenely on their problems and find new perspectives to face their future with courage and hope" concludes Fr Harris Pakkam, of the Social Communication Sector, who is currently in New Delhi precisely to accompany this project as it comes into effect.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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