Brazil – New status granted to Salesian Higher Education in Vitória

12 September 2016

(ANS - Vitoria) - After five years of hard work and great hopes on the part of the entire academic community, years that witnessed the launch of new courses, the construction of a new building and continued growth in the Index General of Courses (IGC) - a quality indicator employed by the Ministry of Education to assess the Institutes of Higher Education - the Salesian Catholic Faculty “Espírito Santo” has had its status changed to "University Centre." On August 31, a solemn ceremony took place for the inauguration of the Rector.

The decree which raised the status of Faculty to that of University Centre was published in the Official Journal of the Union on 19 July.

The academic authorities of the "Catholic University Centre of Vitória" now are: Salesian Brother Cledson Rodrigues as Rector; Prof. Jolmar Hawerroth, Academic Vice-Rector and Pro-Rector; FrJosé Moacir Scari, Pro-Rector for Administration and Finance; and Fr Adenilson Rubim, Pastoral Pro-Rector.

In his official speech, the Salesian Provincial of Belo Horizonte and Chancellor of the Centre, Fr Orestes Fistarol, stressed that "the fundamental reasons that led the Salesians in the last century to take the leadership of higher education institutions reflect the belief that we able to offer society a quality cultural proposal, enriching it with individuals rich in humanity who are also competent professionals and active citizens."

The Rector responded by saying that "the community of the Vitória University Centre has good reason to be proud of the progress made. Today, no doubt, a fundamental chapter is being written in the history of this institution, founded 16 years ago. (...) With great joy I can say that the new status has been granted the highest marks by the Ministry of Education."

The ceremony on 31 August was attended by numerous academic, religious and administrative authorities, including the Chairman of the National Education Council, Prof. Gilberto Goncalves Garcia, Archbishop Luiz Vilela Mancilha of Vitoria and Auxiliary Bishop Rubens Sevilha.

On the same occasion a new space for athletics was inaugurated in the University Centre.

With its promotion to the status of University Centre, the Salesian academic community of Vitória continues to pursue its original mission: "to form professionals committed to life and social transformation".


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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