Hearts Present & Joyful. A Formation Program for Salesian Ministry

20 Abril 2022
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The Salesians of Don Bosco of the Province of St. Philip the Apostle, located in the Eastern United States and Canada (SUE) and with headquarters in New Rochelle, New York, have developed a two-year formation program containing 16 sessions for collaborators in Churches, schools, retreat centres, youth clubs, camps, youth ministry programs, and young adult outreach. SUE Province has recently published the unique formation manual, called properly “Hearts Present & Joyful”.

Anyone working in youth ministry, young adult outreach, religious education programs, retreats and youth events and programs of any kind would benefit greatly from the practical, holistic approach originated by St. John Bosco with his Oratory and Preventive System.

Hearts Present and Joyful can be a useful tool to introduce the Salesian charism to new teachers; catechists; members of a youth ministry team, youth center, or parish staff; and leadership teams or other groups of volunteers. It can also be easily adapted to ongoing formation for groups of the Salesian Family.

Don Bosco was a master in developing and empowering young people to cope with an ever-changing world, the preparation needed for a successful future and a process where good rapport, active presence and pastoral charity are central.

Hearts Present and Joyful is the collaborative work of many people. Fr. Steve Shafran, SDB, provided the consistent vision and oversight. One team of SDBs worked to develop the outline, another team wrote the reflections, and a third team reviewed and edited the work. Thanks to everyone who was involved in this project.

Copies have been sent to every SUE community for review. The province will be printing more. Please place your orders with Fr. Tim Zak at Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.

Salesians of Don Bosco of the Province of St. Philip the Apostle – New York, 94 pages.

The eBook is available here


ANS - “Agencia iNfo Salesiana” - es un periódico plurisemanal telemático, órgano de comunicación de la Congregación Salesiana, inscrito en el Registro de la Prensa del Tribunal de Roma, Nº. 153/2007.

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