This international event, to be held from 27 November to 1 December 2017 in Madrid, Spain, aims to address three precise issues:
- A proactive reading of today's family: starting from the Salesian Congregation's present experience to grasp the challenges and opportunities that this historic moment is offering us.
- An ecclesial and spiritual reading of the family: in the light of the Church's synodal path, and of the Apostolic Exhortation "Amoris Laetitia". There are suggestions and questions for personal and communal reflection: family and evangelization; young people and marriage; education to love; training courses for couples soon-to-wed and newlyweds; special situations of the couple/family; family and children.
- A Salesian educational-pastoral reading: to propose, strengthen and integrate Salesian pastoral in favor of the family within the Salesian Pastoral Educational Project.
Congressional activity is based on a methodology scheduled at different times to promote and share initiatives in favor of the family. Each day, the approximately 400 congressional participants will be involved in the following proposals:
- an initial in-depth reflection, offered by experts, which shall accompany the day's work.
- Testimonies and Good Practices in the field of Salesian youth ministry and the family, that are already effective and at work, consolidated, from various parts of the world, to facilitate experiential learning and group sharing.
- Group work subdivided at a continental level for more contextual listening and reflection.
- Workshop: practical and experiential workshops on specific topics guided by international experts, for a proposal of pastoral guidance to various age groups and groups, enabling them to acquire new knowledge, skills and attitudes regarding different areas on the subject of family.
More information on the International Congress of “Youth Ministry and Family” is available at