After an introductory meeting with the Provincial, Fr Tihomir Sutalo, and his Provincial Council, the 4-day program foresees: meeting with the Salesian priests in the five-year phase, then with the Salesian Directors of all presences of the St John Bosco Province of Croatia (CRO), the visit to the community of the pre-novitiate and the meeting with the pre-novices, the meeting with the trainees and finally a final meeting again with the Provincial and the Provincial Council.
The visit by Fr Coelho and Fr Roggia embodies several objectives. First of all, it constitutes the beginning of a process of discernment on the area of initial formation of pre-novices and young Salesians, but also on the ongoing preparation and permanent formation of Salesian educators and formators. On this journey, Fr Coelho and Fr Roggia also presented during their meetings the two recent documents of the Salesian Congregation: “Young Salesians and accompaniment” and “Animating and governing the community. The ministry of the Salesian Rector”.
But, as both pointed out from the beginning, first of all, it is a question of seeing and listening to reality, in order to know and understand in depth the formative environment in this Province. For this reason, in most of the meetings the Salesians, as well as the pre-novices, had and still have the opportunity to ask questions, express their doubts, uncertainties and above all present their experiences in the various fields of the formative and educational process.