Chile – The Salesian Villa Feliz Colonies bring joy to hundreds of young people
Chile – January 2023 – The Villa Feliz 2024 Salesian camps were held In Talca, under the motto "The dream that comes true, that makes you dream", from 3 to 7 January. Some 290 children and 145 young people participated, including those responsible and leaders, whose purpose was to form and entertain children in the areas near the Salesian work in Talca and the parish of Santa Ana. The Villa Feliz camps for 2024 were also held in the region of Tarapacá, from 2 to 5 January. The Don Bosco schools in Iquique and the Santo Domingo Savio schools in Alto Hospicio participated. About 80 children and teenagers were involved, mainly from the needy areas of Alto Hospicio and from the parish sector served by the Salesians. The young people worked in community and by age, accompanied by leaders who stayed with them throughout the days, providing formation, leisure and food. This evangelising experience seeks to offer the necessary spaces to develop their personal, social and spiritual growth, regardless of their origin.
- Chile - Communicators Day: Strengthening Bonds and Trust
- Chile – Start of SYM activities: "A dream that has changed your story and mine"
- Chile – Valuing educational leadership to improve integral Salesian formation
- Chile – A new Past Pupil Centre at the Don Bosco Oratory School in Santiago is established
- Chile – Economers Day in the Salesian Gabriel the Archangel Province
- Chile – The Salesian Province of Chile celebrates the Feast of Don Bosco with the first professions and the 50th anniversary of the SYM
- Chile – Ceremony for the installation of the new Superior of the Salesian Province of Chile: Fr Nelson Moreno Ruiz
- Chile – Meeting of Rectors, Principals and Legal Representatives of the Salesian Educational Network, Chile
- Chile – Celebrating 50 years of the Salesian "Villa Feliz" Colonies and the Salesian Youth Movement
- Chile – Bishop Alberto Lorenzelli, SDB, ordains Salesians Daniel Cerda and Marcelo Rojas
- Chile – Bishop Alberto Lorenzelli, SDB, ordains Salesians Daniel Cerda and Marcelo Rojas
- Chile – A formation resource for "Working together in the care of our Common Home"
- Chile - Re-opening of the Cardinal Raúl Silva Henríquez Museum: recovering and valuing the Salesian charism
- Chile - Inclusive Education and Non-Discrimination Week for the Salesians at Talca
- Chile – New ways of collaboration between the Salesians in Spain and Chile
- Chile - A step towards sustainability: Salesian Agrarian School in Catemu builds terraces
- Chile – Chilean short films awarded at the Don Bosco Global Youth Film Festival