Caracas, Venezuela - December 2023 - Salesian Youth Ministry has promoted the missionary formation programme "Searching for Bethlehem", a youth experience that brings together more than a thousand young people from Salesian works in the Saint Luke Province of Venezuela (VEN). The aim is to invite young people to embark on a path of personal and community encounter that leads them to an encounter with Jesus. The young people began their formation journey with the aim of being catechised, formed, sensitised and accompanied to bring a message of hope to the communities where they will be sent. The process presents different formation areas: the areas  of human growth, encounter with Jesus, ecclesial belonging, commitment for the Kingdom. The missionary experience will take place from 15 to 24 December. The aim is to continue to accompany the fragility of so many people who experience hard and difficult moments during this Christmas period.

Anisakan, Myanmar – December 2023 – From 9 to 11 December, the Salesians of the Myanmar Vice-Province had the opportunity to participate in a psycho-spirituality course organised by the Formation Commission and led by Fr Jose Vettom, SDB, of the Province of India-Bangalore. Many topics were covered over the three days, including relationship with God and with others, religious life, healing from the pains of the past and parenthood. The participants appreciated the course, hoping to be able to repeat this type of meeting in the future.

Las Palmas, Spain - December 2023 - A solemn Eucharist of thanksgiving was celebrated for the conclusion of the centenary of Salesian presence in Las Palmas of Gran Canaria on 8 December. The celebration was presided over by Fr Fernando Miranda, Superior of the Salesian Province of Mary Hep of Christians, Spain (SMX).

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic – December 2023 – The "Palazzo del Cinema" in the Ágor" Shopping Centre in the capital of the Dominican Republic, hosted the presentation of the  "Canillitas" documentary on 14 December. About 300 people filled the auditorium to applaud the Madrid-based Salesian Mission Office  (Misiones Salesianas) documentary, directed by Raúl de la Fuente, and to listen to the testimonies of the main actors. Salesian missionary Fr Juan Linares and Karen Montás, Director of the "Canillitas" program, answered the questions of those present, bringing their own testimony. The screening was attended, among others, by Fr Carlos Nabel García, Vice-Provincial of the St John Bosco Province of the Antilles (ANT), who stressed the importance of Salesian work in the Caribbean country for the defence of children's rights. Also present was Luisa Ysabel Ovando, President of the National Council for Children (CONANI), with some representatives of the Ministry of Labour.

Santo Domingo, El Salvador - December 2023 - The Daughters of the Divine Saviour (Hijas del Divino Salvador - HDS), 13th group of the Salesian Family, have celebrated their 9th General Chapter. The assembly, held at the mother house in Santo Domingo, San Vicente, was attended by 49 Sisters from all presences, who re-elected Sr. Amarilis Noemí Orozco Vásquez, Superior General for another six years. The expected outcome of this Chapter for the HDS congregation is to complete the development of the six-year project "that renews us at the level of formation, interior doctrine, catechesis of the Daughters of the Divine Saviour and at the level of the media, which are the new courtyards of evangelisation" for which the motto of the Chapter was: "Called to be announcers of the Kingdom of God in today's world". The HDS are currently in ten countries, with 28 communities, and for the future they have invitations for presences in Peru, Ecuador and Equatorial Guinea in Africa.

(ANS - Rome) – There is a great interest throughout the Salesian world - and beyond – to witness the event of the Card. Fernández Artime, Rector Major of the Salesian Society of St John Bosco taking possession of his Ministry at the Minor Basilica of Mary Help of Christians at Via Tusculana, Rome (Italy). A live web transmission of this significant celebration has been planned.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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