Brazil – Fr Miguel Angel García Morcuende presides over the Youth Ministry online meeting of Manaus Province

19 September 2024

Brazil – September 2024 - The General Councillor for Salesian Youth Ministry, Fr Miguel Angel García Morcuende, chaired a meeting with the Salesian Province of Manaus Brazil (BMA) on 17 September to reflect on local and provincial overall planning on "Cultivating dreams and harvesting fruits". The BMA Province has an immense territory, with works also on the border, so the meeting took place online, allowing Salesians, lay people and collaborators of the various works to participate. The General Councilor stressed: "We have a way of working pastorally and a model that guides us, which is called the Educative and Pastoral Plan. For us it is not a document like any other, but a tool that helps us to develop a sense of belonging, to know the reality, to propose strategies and to think together. Faced with our pastoral realities, we must have faith, hope, pastoral intelligence and patience to respond to today's challenges and be educators and pastors". During the meeting there was also a moment of reflection on the theme presented. Each participant was able to highlight what struck them the most. The meeting was very productive and the majority stressed the need to continue to explore the subject and to promote moments of encounter and pastoral reflection together in every work.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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