Poland – 93rd Representation of the Passion of Christ: preparing for Easter

21 February 2024

Krakow, Poland – February 2024 – The 93rd edition of the sacred representation of the Passion of Christ entitled "Misterium" was staged on 17 February, at the theatre in the Salesian Seminary (WSDTS) in Krakow. Actors were the Salesian clerics in Krakow and also some young people from the "Ziemia Boga" group. This year the theme of the performance is to invite all Christians to remember their baptism and to rediscover their relationship with Jesus and with others. "Misterium" is interwoven with meetings and relationships. It is a valuable help to live Lent and prepare for Easter. Director and author of the screenplay, for twelve years now, is an actor from the "Bagatela" Theatre in Krakow, Mr Marcin Kobierski. The show will run every Saturday and Sunday of Lent until 23 March.

Photo: Agnieszka Krzyształowicz


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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