Paraguay - Ordinary Assembly of Missionaries from the Apostolic Vicariate of Chaco Paraguayo
Carmelo Peralta, Paraguay - October 2023 - Missionaries from the Apostolic Vicariate of Chaco Paraguayo participated in the Ordinary Assembly held from Saturday, 14 October to Wednesday, 18 October at Carmelo Peralta, 700 kilometres from the capital of the country. The assembly was presided over by the Bishop of the Vicariate, Bishop Gabriel Escobar, SDB, and also attended by Fr Mario Villalba, Superior of the Salesian Province of Paraguay (PAR) and Sister Marciana Toledo, Provincial of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. In Chaco Paraguayo there are two Salesian communities, one in Puerto Casado, composed of Fr Osvaldo Martínez, Fr Zdzisław Książek, Fr Martín Rodríguez and Fr Juan Segovia; and another in Carmelo Peralta, composed of Fr Denis Antúnez, Fr Bao Nguyen and Fr Duy Nguyen. The Apostolic Vicariate of Chaco Paraguayo covers all of Upper Paraguay and the district of Puerto Pinasco, in the Department of President Hayes. Different religious congregations operate in the Vicariate and the Salesian Congregation is a pioneer in these lands.