Poland – Educating through sport: 25th anniversary of the Salos Cortile Kielce and 31st edition of the National Salesian Youth Games

29 September 2023
Photos from: https://igrzyska.sdb.org.pl/

(ANS – Kielce) – The 31st National Salesian Youth Games were held  from 22 to 24 September, organised by Salos Cortile Kielce, an institution that this year celebrates 25 years since its foundation. The sports event was attended by 850 young people and volunteers from 25 local associations of SALOS (Salesian Sports Organisation of the Polish Republic – SALOS RP).

Children and young people associated with the SALOS RP participate in a system of sports competitions throughout the year. These have a four-level structure. First, young people, both boys and girls, compete in different disciplines (basketball, football, volleyball and table tennis) in the micro-regions, then in the macro-regions, then in the Provinces and finally meet in the grand final of the National Salesian Youth Games – the games, which combine sports practice according to Christian principles with the modern Olympic spirit (universal values of peace, freedom, dignity, respect, friendship, fraternity, solidarity and air play").

The grand final of the National Salesian Youth Games this year took place in Kielce, a city in southeastern Poland where the Salesians, who belong to the Province of Krakow (PLS), run a parish, oratory, many Youth Ministry activities, sports activities and more.

The first day of the games, 22 September, was particularly intense, with the registration and reception of the athletes the solemn opening ceremony, in the presence of the authorities, including Fr Marcin Kaznowski, Superior of the Province of Krakow (PLS), and Fr Edward Pleń, SDB, national chaplain for athletes and representative of the Board of Directors of SALOS RP, who did not miss an opportunity to encourage young people to participate in the spirit of a great Salesian celebration.

On the second day, Saturday 23 September, disciplines such as football, volleyball, table tennis and basketball reigned supreme in the sports facilities of Kielce, and the preliminary and semi-final races were held, as well as the athletes parade through the city and the Mass in the Salesian Holy Cross church celebrated by the various Salesian priests with main celebrant Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Kielce, Bishop Marian Florczyk, Delegate of the Polish Bishops' Conference for the Pastoral Care of Athletes. The day was also marked by a great interaction of young people at the same church, accompanied by different Salesian priests.

The finals took place on Sunday, 25 September, the last day of the meeting,  and after the awarding of the winners, the closing ceremony of the 31st National Games of Salesian Youth took place.

"The Salesian Youth Games throughout Poland are not only a sporting competition, but also an opportunity to integrate young people from different regions of Poland, promote Salesian values and strengthen the bonds between the participants. This unique event has helped to build a community of young people who have celebrated together their passion for sport and the Salesian spirit" commented Fr Karol Romankiewicz, President of the Board of Directors of the Salos Cortile Kielce Association at the end of the event. This jubilee year they have organised the National Games for the second time in their history.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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