Uruguay - Training meeting for 80 evangelizers from Salesian schools: "Announce the Good News to Every Creature"
Montevideo, Uruguay - February 2023 - On Thursday, 16 Feb., and starting from the specificity of the task of evangelization, 80 evangelizers from all Salesian institutes and vocational schools in Uruguay met to discuss the new paradigm of Integral Ecology presented by Pope Francis in the Apostolic Exhortation Laudato Sì and assumed by the Salesian Congregation as part of its educational pastoral commitment. In the morning, the main concepts of Integral Ecology and their theological impact on the tasks of the evangelizer were presented. At noon, the Eucharist was celebrated, presided over by the Provincial of Uruguay, Fr. Alfonso Bauer. In the afternoon, participants worked in two workshops to get to touch on concrete pastoral ministry: Ecological Spirituality; and Transformative Actions and Youth Leadership. Participants had the opportunity to work in small groups to share the resonances, challenges, and perspectives that this ecological paradigm opens for evangelization. The meeting also aimed to favor the reunion and acquaintance of evangelizers from different presences, to help them grow in awareness of the common vocation and mission, a priority goal of the URU Province in recent years.