In his homily, Fr. Alfred highlighted the significance of Cana, which lies in its significance, as the setting of the first miracle of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Jesus chose such an obscure place to perform such a miracle, which serves as a sign, so that people may believe that we may believe that He is the Messiah, the Son of God (John 20:31). Fr. Alfred then equated this significant place to such unlikely vocation candidates to do His work, and reveal His glory. On the solemn feast of Mary Help of Christians, he reminded the perpetuandi to do what Mary told the waiter at the wedding, “do whatever Jesus tells [you],” and that “the presence of Jesus in their lives will make their lives a celebration of love.”
In his gratitude speech, Br. James welcomed the fact that life will not be easy as consecrated men, but taking a cue from the calm stance of Mary, “we leave the rest to God.”
Novices Benjo Ian Mangila and Kenji Hasegawa also submitted their letters of intent and Br. Umbu Dapa Loka, a Salesian Brother, handed in his letter of application for the renewal of the profession during the preparation of the gifts.
Mr. John Villafania.