Poland - Online Advent Retreat

17 December 2021

Poland - December 2021 - From December 5 to 11, the Salesians of all four Polish Provinces organized the online Advent Retreat called "KOX Online Retreat for Young People". This was a series of live meetings with different priests on topics important to young people. These took place on the Facebook page "Salezjański Portal Młodzieżowy", which brings together young people connected to the Salesian Family in Poland. The entire initiative was coordinated by Fr. Mariusz Jawny, SDB, delegate for Social Communication of the Province of Wrocław (PLO). Among the preachers there were also Fr Dominik Chmielewski, SDB, Fr Teodor Sawielewicz, and also young Salesians, such as Fr Patryk Chmielewski, SDB, Fr Damian Mackiewicz, SDB, and Fr Marcin Giemzik. Approximately 800 people benefited from this retreat available online.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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