Bolivia - Meeting of Salesian Rectors
Bolivia - October 2020 - The meeting of the Salesian Rectors of the Bolivia Province (BOL) was held on 14 and 15 October, presided by the Provincial Fr Juan Pablo Zabala, with the participation of Fr Hugo Orozco, Councilor for the Interamerica Region, and Msgr. Jesús Juárez, SDB, archbishop emeritus of Sucre. The virtual meeting was held with the aim of evaluating the 2015-2020 Provincial Operational Plan and to reflect on the guidelines that the Rector Major proposes for the new six-year term. Fr Orozco encouraged the Rectors to live their Salesian leadership in the communities and to work with enthusiasm and prophetic fidelity. Bishop Juárez invited participants to reflect on the Salesian mission and identity every day. The reports of the Delegates of the sectors that make up the Salesian mission in Bolivia gave a vision of the country's evangelizing-educational state. Fr Zabala thanked the participants, stressing that these moments of ongoing formation and fraternal communion, with the help of God, guide and make the journey grow.