Brazil - Marian Walk 2023: "With Mary Help of Christians, on mission in the Amazon"

31 May 2023

Manaus, Brazil - May 2023 - "With Mary Help of Christians, on mission in the Amazon" was the theme of the "Marian Walk 2023" held in Manaus on May 27. It was a moment of unity for the Salesian Family of the Manaus area to express their gratitude to Our Lady as the leader of the mission in Amazonia. The meeting took place at the "Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora" school and the official opening of the path was led by the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians who, through animation, prayer, and theater, presented some of the history of their 100 years of presence in the Amazon. After the solemn opening, the route continued through the streets of Manaus to the Shrine of St. Joseph the Worker, animated by the band of the social work "Pró-minor Dom Bosco." Once at the shrine, the parish youth group led the rite of Mary's coronation. The program then continued with a snack for all and a festive oratory, a time when all the works of Manaus could meet and live the dream of St. John Bosco all together: an oratory as a setting for great joy.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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