(ANS – Manzini) – More than 2,300 people in Eswatini had access to better nutrition thanks to a partnership between Salesian Missions, the U.S. development arm of the Salesians of Don Bosco, and Feed My Starving Children, a nonprofit Christian organization committed to “feeding God’s children hungry in body and spirit.” The food shipment was sent in 2022 and shared with several Salesian programs and communities.

(ANS – Chiari) – The Salesian community and the Auxilium reception centre organised a "Three Days with Fr Galli": three days of prayer, adoration and musical elevations for of the eleventh anniversary of the death of the Servant of God Fr Silvio Galli (+12 June 2012). It took place in the church of San Bernardino in Chiari.

 (ANS – Budapest) – On 31 May & 1 June 2023, Don Bosco International had the pleasure to attend the Visible Value Symposium organised by the Youth Partnership Department of the Council of Europe, at the European Youth Center, in Budapest, Hungary.

(ANS) – Today, June 12, 2023 twelve Social Communications delegates, with a representative from China, gathered together with Fr. Harris Pakkam via Zoom in order to discuss and plan the upcoming programs of Social Communications Sector the East-Asia Oceania Region (EAO). Fr. Harris, who is the referent for the East Asia Oceania Region for the Social Communication Sector presented to the delegates the two big projects.

(ANS – Tijuana) – The city of Tijuana has a very special feature: it is one of the busiest border crossings in the world, crossed both legally and, often, irregularly. A lot of people come to Tijuana from other countries or from other states in the Mexican Republic, and most of them have the same precise purpose: to enter the United States and realise their “American dream”.

(ANS – Madrid) – The World Day against Child Labour commemorated today, 12 June, has aimed since 2002 to raise awareness of this plague that affects more than 160 million children around world and make it known. These are children who cannot go to school, barely have time to eat, do not even rest on weekends and do not know what it means to play with other children. Many of them start working even before they know how to read and write... They should go to school and instead carry out activities as adults and indeed, in almost half of the cases (79 million of them), they are involved in activities dangerous to health.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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