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Italy – Meeting of Directors of Communication of ecclesiastical institutions

25 July 2018

(ANS - Rome) – On 23 July, the directors and heads of Communication of ecclesiastical institutions gathered at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. The idea came about via the collaboration between the University and the Social Communication Offices of the Salesians; its aim: to find opportunities to share mutual knowledge and foster collaboration between the various Social Communication offices that work every day to publish and broadcast information on the Church and on Christianity, and to spread the Good News.

During the morning work session, the experiences and concrete challenges of each one were presented alongside proposals to best address them (for example, on the institutional, economic, organizational level, etc). The sharing of good practices also aimed to shed light and reflect on the fundamental role of communication of those who set out to proclaim the Gospel.

During his introduction, Fr Filiberto González Plasencia, Councilor General for Social Communication of the Salesians Don Bosco, insisted that the first task of a Christian communicator was ultimately to show or spotlight Christ, more than simply any institution. Rev. José María La Porte, dean of the Faculty of Institutional Communication of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, then presented several priority subjects and issues of research and study, of interest to all.

In the second part of the meeting, under the coordination of Prof. Arasa, vice dean of the faculty of Institutional Communication, participants each briefly illustrated the peculiarities of the work of their organization. Some of the themes that emerged from the discussion were: the importance of formation and training of every organization's top management in the field of communication; the role of interculturality to well manage internal communication in organizations that are international in character; the need to rethink the contents of one's communication, and to have a strategic vision of one's work; ongoing formation, with an eye to the future; and finally the commitment to share ideas in a permanent and ongoing discussion with the other realities of the Church.

The final agreement was therefore to continue these informal meetings on a quarterly basis - the next at the end of October or beginning of November 2018). It was a common belief that a roundtable of this kind would help all those working in this field to step out and emerge from their own respective local realities and learn new experiences so as to focus on areas of common intervention in upcoming Church events.

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