“Many of us cannot imagine a life without Don Bosco, without Salesians, and we can attest that without him we wouldn’t have fallen in love with God in a ‘crazy’ way, full of laughter and great experiences.”


I believe that this is what we have most at heart, dear readers – to feel that we are living a life that is full.  It seems that this is a very human aspiration.  It is with this thought that I must tell you that I have come to know in my life many persons who live and have lived full lives.  I propose to follow this path myself.

From an unforgettable experience is born a message of love and gratitude to the people of Damascus and Aleppo.

My dear friends, I greet you all most cordially as I write this to you – though I am very late as regards preparation of the Salesian Bulletin. (I make the editor sweat because very often the deadline for submission is upon me as I sit down to write my message – which happens with everything else that bears my name and is penned in my own hand.)


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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