(ANS - Rome) - After having undergone a serious missionary vocational discernment and having received the letter with their destination, the Salesians who will leave in this 154th Salesian Missionary Expedition, coming 24 September are currently engaged in the second phase of their Orientation Course at Piedmont. Before leaving from Rome, where they followed the ecclesiological nuclei of the course, and they shared with ANS about their life and faith journeys, as well as their desires and fears. Opening this series of interviews is Fr Arnel Jason Mengote Bergonio, a 39-year-old Filipino  destined for the Salesian mission in Mozambique.

(ANS – Lagos) – “A military intervention in Niger would create a very dangerous and delicate situation. It could create a war in West Africa with very difficult and complicated consequences for the region, Africa and the entire world (...) All the Powers must be respectful of the situation in these countries. We must proceed by way of peaceful dialogue: this is the only possible way.” Fr Jorge Crisafulli,  Superior of the new Africa Nigeria and Niger (ANN) Province for just a few months, speaks very clearly about the situation that has arisen in West Africa after the coup d 'état in Niger.

(ANS– Elobehid) – The sixty years of missionary life of Bro. Marino Bois, Salesian Brother originally from Valle d 'Aosta, Italy, are an extraordinary, rich and intense journey in the world of Salesian vocational formation. Born in 1942 in Valgrisenche, after completing his studies to become a Salesian, he immediately made himself available to go on mission, spending a few years at the school for technical teachers at Rebaudengo in Turin.

(ANS – Rome) – "A youth ministry that educates to love" is the title of the booklet made by the Salesians of Don Bosco to offer educators an updated tool capable of systematising the concepts and attitudes related to affective and sexual education. The two authors, Fr Miguel Angel Garcia Morcuende, General Councillor for Youth Ministry for the Salesians, and psychologist Antonella Sinagoga, spoke about it extensively today.

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ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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